General Foot Care
Routine treatments usually include the removal of painful lesions such as corns and callus as well as nail care.
Corns and Callus
Corns and callus are a common problem that can be very painful. These can be treated and measures put in place to limit discomfort and help to prevent reoccurrence.
Ingrown and Thickened Toe Nails
Toe nails can become thickened and curved in becoming painful and difficult to manage. They can usually be treated without any discomfort. Occasionally, they need to be removed permanently which involves a minor surgical procedure under local anaesthesia.
Nail Surgery
What will the procedure involve?
The podiatrist will administer local anaesthetic to the toe. Once the toe is fully numb, the podiatrist will apply a tourniquet (tight band), then lift either the nail edge or the whole of the nail, along with its root. Phenol (a caustic agent) will then be applied to the now revealed nail bed to prevent the re-growth of new nail. This procedure will not require sutures.
The area will be dressed will a large bandage, so please bring footwear with an open forefoot on the day of the procedure.
What kind of anaesthetic will be used and will I need to be put asleep?
This will involve local anaesthetic injection into the toe, you will not need to be put to sleep for the procedure. You can bring someone with you, and a book, smart phone or tablet.
How long will it take and when can I go home?
The procedure will take about an hour. You can return home immediately following the procedure; however, you will need to be driven as you cannot drive whilst the toe is still anaesthetised. You will need to check how you are healing, and most people will be totally healed within 6 weeks.
Flat Feet and Sports Injuries (biomechanics)
The way we stand, walk and run all has an impact on our lower limb and foot health. If someone has poor foot posture or mechanics, this can lead to a host of problems involving the foot, leg, knee, hip and back.
Common foot problems such as flat feet, heel pain and plantar fasciitis can be treated following a biomechanical examination, where your walking (gait) pattern, posture, joint condition and alignment and muscle power are all looked at. If a problem is found, then sometimes bespoke orthoses can be prescribed to improve your foot posture.
Sometimes more basic insoles, podiatry treatments, stretching exercises and footwear advice can be used to alleviate pain.
Diabetic Foot Care
If you have diabetes you should have your feet checked at least annually by an appropriately qualified podiatrist. Andrew Barker has specialised in the field for over 25 years working as part of a specialist diabetes team.
Bunions and Hammer Toes
Bunions and hammer toes can be extremely painful and can lead to painful callus and corns. They can often be treated without the need for considering surgery.
Children’s Foot Problems (Podopaediatrics)
It is essential to identify as early as possible, any problems that might need specialist treatment in order to prevent problems in later life. Common problems treated include flat feet, curly toes, verrucae (warts) and lower leg pains.
Verrucae (warts)
Verrucae are one of the most common foot problems. Most people will develop a verruca in their lifetime. Verrucae can be treated in a number of ways including cryotherapy, chemical caustics and dry needling under local anaesthesia. Andrew Barker can help tailor the appropriate advice and treatment to each individual patient’s needs.
Your First Treatment
The first time you visit the practice the Podiatrist will take a thorough history of your foot problem, examine your feet and take details of your medical history which may be relevant to your foot problems. Please allow 30 mins for the appointment at which you will receive treatment.
Home Visits Available
For those people that are housebound or have difficulty attending the clinic, home visits can be arranged.